Local Governing Body
We pride ourselves on the relationships we have between our parents, children and staff and through the Trust, our local community schools.
Indeed these are very much the corner stone of our children's education. Good communication and shared knowledge is vital to the successful relationships needed so that we can make sure our children enjoy school and reach their full potential.
We have high expectations of all our children both socially and academically. All children have the right to be loved, respected and to feel safe and therefore high standards of behaviour are actively expected and encouraged.
Our aim is to provide our young children with the skills needed to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens who are equipped with the skills to meet the demands of 21st century life. It is our aim too, that at the end of their years at Templenewsam Halton Primary our children will have a sense of achievement and a high level of self esteem as they leave us for their next school.
The sections below will hopefully give you a flavour of what we aim to achieve for you and your child. Many of our school policies and further information are available on the school website.
If you have any further questions or would like to visit our school please contact the school office who will be able to make arrangements for you
Our Governing Board consists of volunteers from our parent, local and school communities who undertake a range of roles to ensure the strategic direction of the school.
Chair of Governors - Interim chair - Mr Dominic Lebeter
Vice Chair of Governors - None
Headteacher - Mrs Lisa Seton (Ex officio)
Parent Governor - Mr Dominic Lebeter
Trust Appointed Governor - Mrs Sue Lewis
Co-Opted Governor - Mrs Alison Carrick
Staff Governor - Mrs Amy Barone
Associate Governor - Mr Ian Weatherley (Deputy Head)