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Nursery and Reception Admissions
If you would like to know anything more about getting a place for your child at Templenewsam Halton, please ring the school office – (0113) 293 0314.
To apply for a Reception Place
Usually, during the months of October and November we host open evenings with tours round school and would love to show you around around our school. If you are interested in seeing our school, please contact the school office for further details.
Please follow the link below for a 'how to' video for applying for a Reception place from LCC.
To apply for a place in Reception, parents need to apply online using the link on the left. The application process begins the year prior to your child starting in Reception, starting from November and the deadline to apply is January. This process continues to be managed by Leeds Admissions Team.
Leeds Admission Team will send a letter to you prior to this advising which is your nearest school and inviting you to apply for a place.
To apply for a Nursery Place:
To apply for a place in Nursery, parents can put their child on the waiting list once their child has turned 2, the links are below, please ensure you select the child's birth year to ensure you are on the correct waiting list.
We begin the main enrolment for our September intake around March or April time and will be in contact via email. Our other intake is in January or April but is dependent on availability in school and children can only start Nursery the term after their third birthday. Please contact the school should you have any queries over the enrolment process. Places and attendance patterns are offered in line with our Admissions policy. The sessions we offer are:
- 30 free hours (Full days Monday to Friday) subject to parents' eligibility. If you are not eligible for the free hours, parents may pay for additional hours on top of their free entitlement, subject to availability.
- 15 hours per week - either Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday am or Wednesday pm, Thursday and Friday.
For children who stay over lunchtime, children can bring their own packed lunch or we can provided a 2 course meal cooked in our school kitchen, which is chargable. Please see the school menu on our website for the choices available.
Please click below to view our Nursery Admissions Policy:
- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- Attendance
- Our School Day
- Before and After School Club
- Calendar
- Early Reading and Phonics
- E-Safety
- Safeguarding
- School Meals
- Uniform
- Behaviour
- Transition to Secondary
- Online Payments (Scopay)
- Parents' Evening Booking System
- Parent View
- Medication
- Leave of absence
- Useful Forms
- School Council