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School Meals
Red Kite Learning Trust and Templenewsam Halton Primary School work in partnership with a specialist catering firm, Hutchinson Catering, for the provision of our school meals.
Hutchison Catering is an independent, family-run business who provide catering services at all Red Kite Trust Primary schools.
Menus are published in advance and are comprised of a 3-week rota, the menu for this term is below including dates to indicate the rolling 3 week period.
Changes to meal choices
Changes to your child’s meal choices must be done via either the Arbor app or Arbor online parent portal. Changes must be made 24 hours prior as a minimum and all changes are reflected immediately on the system. You can also check current choices directly in the app allowing you to change only the choices you need.
You will also need to make new selections prior to the start of the new school term and prior to new menus going live to ensure your child gets the dinner choice they prefer. Please also make selections if your child will be having packed lunches to avoid unnecessary kitchen orders being placed.
Please note:
Any children arriving late to school after 10:30 will only be able to request a school provided sandwich packed lunch or a packed lunch from home unless the office has been made aware of the required selection that morning.
Medical Diets
For those children who have a medically prescribed therapeutic diet as a treatment for a medical condition, which includes special diets required for pupils with food allergies or food intolerances, we are able to offer the services of Hutchinson’s in-house dieticians. They will plan a 3-week rolling menu to cater for those individual needs – more details about how to access this service are below. Please note medical diets do not include diets required for religious, cultural or personal requirements/preferences and dietary trials or elimination diets. These diets can be met through our standard menus.
PLEASE NOTE: Whilst the child’s medical diet is being processed Hutchinson will only be able to provide a jacket potato with filling and a piece of fruit or you can bring a packed lunch in from home
Meals are charged as below from for school year 23/24:
Nursery - £2.65
Reception through to Year 2 - No Charge (Universal Free School Meal scheme)
Year 3 to 6 - £2.85
If you believe your child/ren should qualify for Free School Meals you should complete the application form on the Leeds City Council website, see link below. This also applies to parents of children in Years Reception to Year 2 as, even though the Government provides Universal Free School Meals to these children, the benefit based Free School Meal eligibility remains with the child throughout their time at Primary School.
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