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Red Kite Learning Trust

School will be open today as normal (Tuesday 7th January). Please note that the Selby Road entrance will be closed.

TNHP - Reading - 2023 (5)

Our Curriculum

At Templenewsam Halton we aim to provide an ambitious and exciting curriculum that engages all learners and equips them with all the knowledge and skills to tackle an ever-changing world.

The curriculum is designed and delivered so that all children can access the learning and takes into account the differing needs of the children who make up our school community. We believe strongly that establishing the conditions for great learning are the foundation upon which our curriculum is built. On top of this we introduce a broad range of knowledge and skills that will form the key overall learning throughout a child’s journey in school.

Finally, through creativity and adventure we allow our children to explore a range of possibilities that will equip them as the historians, musicians, mathematicians, authors, artists, scientists, geographers and creative thinkers of the future. 

Curriculum Intent

Each area of our curriculum has its own statement of intent. This sets out the approach taken for each of the subjects taught in school.

Click here to view the statements

One Page Guides

Overall Curriculum on a page

British Values

Protected Characteristics

Safeguarding in the Curriculum

Long Term Plans

The curriculum has been designed so that each new area of learning builds on the key knowledge and skills from the previous one. There are lots of exciting topics and as a school we review these at the end of each year, making any small changes or tweeks as is necessary. We hope that you will be able to talk to your child at home about what they have been learning and that they are able to wow you with some of their amazing facts, knowledge and skills!

Click here to view the Long Term Plans for each year group showing what your children will be learning about each term

TNHP - Reading Outside - 2023 (2)

Curriculum Drivers

Curriculum Drivers (002)

Templenewsam Halton Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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