At Templenewsam we support children to become confident, expressive and fluent readers who will develop a love of reading.
We aim for children to be able to:
- Use a wide range of strategies to decode meaning from text as well as having a sound grasp of phonics.
- Talk about books, confidently, offering opinions and preferences, for example having a favourite author or genre.
- Understand and gain a level of skill in their reading that enables them to support their own independent learning.
- Enjoy reading at home and at school, with a positive reading habit be it for pleasure or learning.
- Experience a wide range of different media and different texts to ensure a good understanding of text structure across the curriculum.
- Experience a range of texts from different cultures.
- Transfer learning in reading to their writing.
- Increase/ understand a wide range of vocabulary.
Reading in Class
During our reading sessions we use ‘Reading VIPERS’ to develop our reading skills (outlined in the National Curriculum and the KS1 and KS2 test domains) which were created by Rob Smith (The Literacy Shed).
Children are also given time for their own reading, be this reading to themselves, listening to texts, or sharing books with each other. Each classroom has an inviting reading area as a place for children to enjoy reading.
At the end of each day, each class enjoy reading a book together.
Each class also has two reading ambassadors who promote reading within the classroom and around school. They have tasks such as helping keep the school library tidy, choosing books for their classes and helping suggest which books we should have in school.
Home Reading
Home reading books are changed regularly and where needed daily. Children are sent home a book matched to their reading ability level (KS1 matched to phonics stage) but in school read more challenging texts/book levels.
Reading at home
All children are expected to read at home at least three times a week and this is recorded in their reading diaries. In Key Stage 2, children are expected to read at home independently and record this in their reading records.
Each class also has a reading scrapbook where children get the opportunity to create a page about their favourite book. The children love to see if they will be chosen each time and it has really created a buzz about reading in classes across school The children love to bring in their books so their friends can borrow them too.